Welcome to Etty Met online. 

I create playful artworks and immersive installations.

Here you find my latest available pieces of art and creative projects. Find out how we can work together.  Love to connect! 



Latest projects

Soft series

A soft collection of pallet cleansers 


Good News Network

Surfana Kidsclub concept & design: The good news network, reporting the news with the young visitors of the festival.  



Solo exhibition/ installation of Inscape series in de Tunnel at the Nijverheid in Utrecht in june. Check out which works are available. 




Made witlof


With her art Etty creates playful new worlds for you to dissolve inside.
She follows intuitive lines and shapes that lead beyond the mind into the subconscious looking for connection. With humor she juxtaposes urban human behaviour with natural and spiritual dimensions.

Etty started her career with a theatrical and carnivalesque art-van ‘Graaiculuur’. With this van she portrayed greedy consumerism in a absurdistic and interactive installation fostering creative and sustainable behavior.

This van was a cocoon for her creative ideas and from 2013 till now she creates colorful creative concepts for festivals and events. 

From 2016 she took her ideas on a hike around the world. She started experimenting with paint and sketching shapes inspired by the existential questions that came up wandering through real spiritual landscapes and cultures. (opposite the Dutch flatlands) Connecting with nature and spiritual practices became a big inspiration and helped her intuitively creating an imagery that tell subconscious stories. 
Being back in urban surroundings since 2018, worlds collide and her work transformed into a chaotic dance of nature vs city and peace vs extacy asking questions like how to find peace within when constantly being externally stimulated, and how to find connection in an individualistic driven society all whilst being disconnected from the planet we exploit. 

In the last years Etty started transforming her work into large canvasses and murals and recently she created decors and installations using 3D and woodwork to walk through the different layers of her artworks.

Hoe werkt dat?


We vangen je vraag of verhaal in een beeld en stemmen mijn kunsten af op jouw wensen.


Ik heb een beeldbank waar we induiken voor vormen en inspiratie.


Ik maak verschillende combinaties voor een passend concept of beeld bij jouw verhaal.


We leggen een idee in grote lijnen vast, met nog genoeg ruimte voor improvisatie en vrije interpretatie.

Have a Ch-Etty?

et@ettymet.com 0611855689

1 idee
400 gram dimensies
35 gram borrelende
1 el realiteitwaanzin
1 korreltje zout

Etty Met 
Bezoekadres shop:Oudegracht a/d werf 294 te Utrecht 3511 NX Utrecht
Telefoonnummer: 0611855689 te bereiken van ma t/m vr. Tussen 10.00 en 17.30
E-mailadres: et@ettymet.com
KvK-nummer: 68994672
Btw-identificatienummer: NL001127079B40 Algemene voorwaarden Etty Met